2 Esdras 11:1, 12-19

The Twelve Feathers

2 Esdras 11:1: “Then saw I” [Esdras] “a dream, and, behold, there came up from the sea an eagle, which had twelve feathered wings...”

2 Esdras 11:12: “And I looked, and, behold, on the right side there arose one feather, and reigned” [Ruled] “over all the earth;”

2 Esdras 11:13: “And so it was, that when it” [The First Feather/King, Julius Caesar] “reigned, the end of it” [The First Feather] “came, and the place thereof” [On The Eagle’s body where the first feather was] “appeared no more:” [Julius Caesar’s reign ended] “so the next [The Second Feather/King Augustus Caesar] “following stood up, and reigned, and had a great time;”

2 Esdras 11:14: “And it happened, that when it” [The Second Feather/King, Augustus Caesar] “reigned, the end of it” [The Second Feather] “came also, like as the first, so that it appeared no more.”

2 Esdras 11:15: “Then came there a voice unto it, and said,”

2 Esdras 11:16: “Hear thou that hast borne rule over the earth so long: this I" [The voice] "say unto thee, before thou beginnest to appear no more,” The Second Feather/Augustus Caesar.

2 Esdras 11:17: “There shall none” [The remaining kings] “after thee attain unto thy" [The Second Feather's] "time, neither unto the half thereof.” 

2 Esdras 11:18: “Then arose the third,” [Third Feather/King, Tiberius Caesar] “and reigned as the other before," [The Second Feather] "and appeared no more also.”

2 Esdras 11:19: “So went it with all the residue [Remaining Feathers/Caesars] “one after another, as that every one reigned, and then appeared no more.”